No, no. I didn't delete my whole manuscript, as tempting as that might be.
I spent the last few days working on one small portion of my Author's Note, only to decide the bulk of what I had labored over was an unnecessary minefield.
Not to worry, that material will make a good newsletter some day, but I don't need to burden my future book readers with all of that. Whew. I feel massive relief.
Sometimes culling is the critical move.
Since my manuscript is due back from the developmental editor by November 15th, I've set myself a goal to have this Author's Note and all my style decisions complete by then. Once I recover from the crushing horror of his critique, I'll be ready to return to the story knowing I spent my waiting time well.
I'd hoped to send out another Gilded Age article today, but in an effort to be more focused, I put it aside to work on the Author's Note.
I also discovered a dearth of personal photos from St. Augustine, my next topic. So sad. I think I must dash down there to get what I need.
I’ve been going through old slides, pitching images of African and Central Asian landscapes no one after me will care anything about. I am keeping a few to scan for my eighty-something myself. Will I look at them again in 20 years?