I read this while eating a dish prepared by my husband that he got from Spain on a Fork, a YouTube channel. So no cookbooks for me! But we now want to go to Spain, and we know we'd love the food.

In one of my writing groups, a member noted that one other writer and I always had food in our stories. The other writer's excuse for both of us: "We're Southern!"

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Hah, I collect and read the cookbooks. My husband does at least as much of the cookin, if not more. He's definitely the one to do the roast and makes a mean gumbo. Spain sounds like a great idea!

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I love the idea of exploring culture and history through food... of course, I am a terrible cook, but I do have an ambitious stack of cookbooks that taunt me from time to time, too :-P

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Well, we can eat at least!

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